We have a way for you to take split payments and deposits so you may receive as installments or partial payments. In the example above you can see that the ticket total was 185. The customer has paid...
Can I use Quid to process credit card payments?
No. we are not a credit card processor. You may integrate whatever payment processor you already use. See Menu>Settings>Payment Gateways to link your chosen payment processor. We do have some integrated options for you to choose from such...
Can I try it? Do you have a demo?
You can just signup for the free version and demo the software with no commitment for as long as you need. Not sure about integrating with your proprietary software? A simple import CSV file of your inventory will...
Where do I find information about your pricing?
https://quidpos.com/pricing But don't forget its free to get going and just try it out. Why not just signup and see if Quid is the right choice for you? 1 minute from now you can be using the system....
View Options for the Cash Register
Watch this quick tutorial for an overview of the cash register view options. Transact faster by customizing how you display inventory items To transact sales easily the user may prefer the Dashboard vs the Cashier view. Inventory items...
Integrating Your Payment Processors
PAYPAL (web app only): Log in to your PayPal account at: https://developer.paypal.com Once logged in click on the "Dashboard". Scroll down on that page and find "REST API apps" Click the "Create App" Button Name it "Quid POS" and...
How to add new inventory items
Watch a short video to understand how to add new inventory items for successhttps://youtu.be/XdkZxfL4PzQ
How to add an inventory item
Create Inventory Item: Please know, that with the Free plan you automatically receive 5 sample inventory items to help get you started. You may choose to either "edit" these 5 existing items, or delete them and add new...
Organizing your inventory – Inventory Types and Categories
To begin, it is best to organize your items to be grouped by TYPES, CATEGORIES and SUB-CATEGORIES. Here you should think about your inventory for a moment. What kind of inventory do you stock? How is it best...